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Supporting Empathy

The way we really make our skills permanent and enriched and highly developed, is often through our play experiences.
Doris Bergen, professor at Miami University’s Department of Educational Psychology

"Empathy is fast emerging as an essential 21st century skill and is more important than ever as countries around the world look for ways to reduce violence and foster inclusion," according to Lisa Bayrami and Mary Gordon in "Lighting the Footpath to a Peaceful Future: The Roots of Empathy Program(Exchange, March/April 2017)

"Empathy is innate—we are built to be empathic—but it flourishes or fades in the attachment relationship. In Roots of Empathy, through experiential learning, children observe the secure attachment between the parent and baby and via guided observations label the baby’s feelings and intentions, internalizing the affective component (emotions) and the cognitive component of empathy (perspective-taking). Children develop emotional literacy as they learn to identify and label the baby’s feelings and reflect on and understand their own feelings.

"Children are provided with opportunity to discuss their feelings and thoughts in an emotionally safe environment.

"The deep impact of the program ripples out beyond the classroom environment and into the school community. This results in an increase in overall wellbeing as experienced by participating children."

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