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Exercise Relieves Stress

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
Erica Jong

As we enter a holiday season, when people invariably make commitments to exercise more often, here is some encouraging news from the New York Times Magazine (November 18, 2009):

"It looks more and more like the positive stress of exercise prepares cells and structures and pathways within the brain so that they're more equipped to handle stress in other forms....  The stress-reducing changes wrought by exercise do not happen overnight....  You may not feel a magical reduction of stress after your first jog, if you haven't been exercising.  But the molecular biochemical changes will begin... and eventually they become profound."

Teamwork — our first e-book

Exchange is now offering its book Does Your Team Work?  Ideas for Bringing Your Staff Together in an online PDF format.  The book includes exciting ideas from eight different authors on assessing team performance, fostering staff unity, implementing a peer coaching program, managing meetings, and the art of building a team that truly works together.

Prepare Young Children to Read! An essential guide for pre-K and kindergarten teachers! Learn the 3 BIG IDEAS for early literacy development, from the first word games throughout the journey to reading, from playing with sounds through advanced phonemic awareness skills.

Enhanced Childcare Fee Management
Combine your family & child information with a powerful fee management system to maintain a complete history of all family charges, deposits and payments.

Take a Test Drive: Get a free trial version of EZ-CARE2 Center Management Software!

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