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Create Classroom Museums

Open-ended loose parts and inspiration that nature provides enhance the freedom and opportunities for children’s inventiveness to flourish.
Christine Kiewra and Ellen Veselack

In their popular new book, Bringing the Outside In, authors Sandra Duncan and Jody Martin offer an engaging idea for creating what they call a “Classroom Natural Museum."

"Find a display case, table or shelving unit that becomes the children’s special space for found objects and position it in a prominent area in the classroom. Offer interesting see-through jars and low-sided containers for children to use when displaying their found items. Provide display stands and pedestals for children to use. Include 3 by 5-inch index cards for children to make identification tags.

Whenever going outside, bring along a unique collecting basket for children to gather their treasures. Before coming inside, children determine what items will be displayed in their natural museum. Elect a naturalist to keep the museum neat and tidy, as well as a curator who is responsible for displaying the wonderful found treasures. Encourage children to frequently change the museum display to keep interest anew."

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