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Create a Goldsworthy Studio

As a child, one has the magical capacity to know a hundred different smells of mud.
Valerie Andrews

"Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist and photographer known for his artistry in creating land (or ephemeral) art," write Sandra Duncan and Jody Martin in Bringing the Outside In. "Goldsworthy creates with materials he finds right beneath his feet or within an arm’s length: Twigs, stones, mud, berries, moss, ferns, leaves, pinecones and acorns. With these easily accessible and found materials, he constructs visual beauty…(i.e. sculptures, mosaic-type patterns)…Simple and ordinary natural objects become extraordinary under Goldsworthy’s enchanted touch and imagination.

Give children inside opportunities to create land art just like Andy Goldsworthy. Simply find a small area in your classroom, declare it an Andy Goldsworthy studio, and fill it with [materials and ] ideas."  (The authors provide a number of ideas, such as going to the internet and downloading Goldsworthy images to post in the studio.)

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