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Getting it from Here to There

How we spend our days, is, of course, how we spend our lives.
Annie Dillard

In their popular book, Loose Partsauthors Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky discuss how important it is to understand the benefits of encouraging children to carry objects (loose parts) from one place to another. For example, children learn experientially about concepts of weight and space and make predictions (such as how many objects can fit in a bag). 

“To support children’s interest in transporting,” the authors write, “environments should include a variety of sizes and types of bags, baskets, buckets, boxes, containers, bottles and cans. Fabric in various sizes can also be used to encompass bundles and create stretchers. Fabric and scarves can be stuffed into pillowcases for children to fill and empty. Taking baskets and buckets on walks provides a place for children to collect treasures.” 


Brookes Publishing - Improve Social Emotional Development

T.Bagby - Spend lesss time gathering information and more time teaching.

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