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Optimal Growing Conditions

The child must know that he [or she] is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him [or her].
Pablo Casals

“What if Pablo Casals is right that each one of us is truly a miracle?” asks Nancy Rosenow in the book, Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature. “It’s daunting to think about. If it’s true, then what a responsibility it would bring. We would see each other differently. We would see ourselves differently. ...We simply can’t have a world full of geniuses and miracles and keep doing what we are doing...

Perhaps we have forgotten that our children – just like seeds – have everything they need inside themselves to be able to grow into who they are meant to be if we will only provide the right conditions needed to support that growth.

But what are those optimal growing conditions? I believe the most important one is an atmosphere of love… The kind of love I’m talking about is what Carl Rogers, the Nobel Prize-nominated psychologist, meant by the term he coined: unconditional positive regard…He firmly believed that people will only truly thrive once they’ve experienced being fully accepted for who they are, not what they do…Children nourished in the nutrient-rich soil of that kind of love might grow beyond our wildest dreams.” 

Connect 4 Learning - Flip the Curriculum.

Brookes Publishing - Why Use the Project Approach?

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