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Challenging Behaviors: How Directors Can Help

It isn't where you came from, it's where you're going that counts.
Ella Fitzgerald

"Administrators of early childhood programs and schools have a crucial role to play in enabling success in children with challenging behaviors," write Barbara Kaiser and Judy Sklar Rasminsky in the latest issue of Exchange magazine (November/December, 2018).  Here is one of many strategies the authors offer:

"Help your educators to understand themselves, to figure out which behaviors push their buttons, and to become aware of their own culture and how their implicit biases…relate to their expectations of – and response to – children’s behavior. Meaningful talks over many weeks allow your staff to recognize where they and their colleagues are coming from…At the same time, you and the teachers come to understand one another better and together arrive at a place from which you can develop a common set of core values for your program."

Brookes Publishing - read a blog post to discover why to use The Project Approach

Connect 4 Learning - Spark More Connections.

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