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Happiness Now

Scatter joy!
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Recently I picked up a book I’d read years ago, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Opening to a page at random I read: “Many of us have secretly believed that we had to wait until things calmed down a bit before we started to get our acts together. Tomorrow we’ll treat ourselves better. Tomorrow we’ll take the time to enjoy ourselves...

This I can report from the front lines: life never calms down enough...Life is always movement, always change, always unforeseen circumstances...We can stop waiting for life to become perfect and start working with what we’ve got to make it as satisfying as we can.”

These lines were written at a time where the “crises” in my life now seem tame compared to this year’s global pandemic, social and political unrest, and severe weather events. But their meaning is as true as ever, and perhaps even more so.

It’s time, as Emerson is quoted above, to scatter joy however we can - even if things are not how we wish. Holly Elissa Bruno’s bestselling new book reminds us that happiness is always “running through the streets to find us,” no matter our circumstances.

As we begin our week, let’s all look for ways to scatter joy with the children we support, with our colleagues, and especially with ourselves!

Nancy Rosenow and our Exchange team

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