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Creating A Support System for Learning

"There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for-granted relationship." - Iris Murdoch


In the March 2001 issue of Child Care Information Exchange, Luis Hernandez and Connie Jo Smith, outline the following keys to success in staff training in their article, "Tuning In and Out"...

*  Acknowledge each individual's history of learning: the good, the bad and the ugly.

*  Be ready to give plenty of support through remedial classes, building self-esteem, maintaining high standards and expectations, giving tours of the college campus, and interpreting financial aid information.

*  Don't forget the body!  Make training responsive to adult bodies:  a comfortable learning environment, hours of training, meals and body breaks.  Take care of mind and spirit, too!

*  Fight defeat and weariness.  Emphasize that it is not a personal failure to not complete a class. Fight resistance with a strong dose of humor and arm twisting.  Be a strong coach through thick and thin.

*  Recognize family and home needs.  Help families organize a sensible work, home, and school schedule.

*  Give plenty of praise, credit and recognition!  Put an emphasis on one step at a time.  Adults respond to positive reinforcements.  Remember to celebrate small successes.

This article is included in the latest Exchange Articles on CD collection on Staff Training.  To review and order this CD, go to...

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