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Build Your Leadership Capacity

You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American essayist

"How you are models for teachers how you want them to be with children," write
Amy Dombro, Judy Jablon, and Charlotte Stetson to early childhood administrators. In their article "Using Powerful Interactions with Colleagues to Promote Powerful Interactions with Children" (part of the Exchange Essentials article collection, "Build Your Leadership Capacity") they write:

"Every interaction you have with a teacher is an opportunity to show that teacher she is heard, respected, and appreciated, which is how we hope children feel, too. When you recognize and remember the vital role you play in the lives of teachers and the ­children they work with, you will become even more effective and find that your work will become even more rewarding."

In his Mindful magazine article, "The Power of Kindness," Dacher Keltner describes research showing how certain traits strengthen positive interactions:

"Empathy: Ask a great question or two in every interaction... Listen with gusto... When someone comes to you with a problem, signal concern with phrases such as, 'I'm sorry' and 'That’s really tough.'... Before meetings, take a moment to think about the person you'll be with and what is happening in his or her life.

Gratitude: Make thoughtful thank-you's a part of how you communicate with others... Send colleagues specific and timely emails or notes of appreciation... Publicly acknowledge the value that each person contributes to your team.

Generosity: Seek opportunities to spend a little one-on-one time with people... Delegate some important and high-profile responsibilities... Give praise generously... Share the limelight. Give credit to all who contribute to the success of your organization."

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