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More Thoughts on Cleaning Up

If we get kids involved in adult activities, that’s play for kids. And then they associate chores with a fun, positive activity. They associate it with playing.
Michaeleen Doucleff, Hunt, Gather, Parent

Our recent ExchangeEveryDay message on cleaning up resonated with many of you. Thanks for extending the conversation!

Luann from Matamoras, PA, writes, “Putting this out there for childcare professionals to understand the importance of taking their time to work through every part of the day with children is so beneficial for both child and teacher. There are many aspects of the day where Deb's thoughts apply. Putting on coats to go outside. How wonderful to see children helping each other to zip up, put gloves on - giving everyone a sense of importance and accomplishment!”

Polly Schmitt, Clinton, WA, adds, “Just like all parts of a classroom daily routine, children are learning during clean up - how we intentionally plan for learning is important. The question is, what are our learning goals - do we want children to learn avoidance skills or do we want to help them develop cooperatIve skills? Building community, taking care of the work environment, weaving in math concepts and including appreciation for a job well done are all possible in this one piece of a busy day.”

Andrea Dekker, Tucson, AZ, concludes, “Clean up time might seem unimportant since it is such a small part of the day, but it is critical to setting the tone for the climate of the relationships within the community. It is a small, but mighty activity! Thank you for helping us think about this transition in a new way!”

Let’s continue the conversation by sharing more of the skills children (and adults) develop when cleaning up, and favorite approaches for doing so with intention and joy!

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