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"Teachers Should Know Everything"

Teachers should know everything. My teacher knows everything. Like how to use kind words.
Lily Cernic, age 5

My dear colleague Brittany Cernic and I were talking last week, as we often do, about what to bring to you in our upcoming ExchangeEveryDay messages. With Brittany on the East Coast and me on the West Coast, she’s often waiting on me as she’s waiting for her kindergartener to return home on the school bus. We tossed about a few ideas as Lily’s bus arrived, and then I half-jokingly said, "Ask Lily what she thinks teachers everywhere should think or know." And Brittany followed through.

Lily’s response struck a chord, starting with a heavy load of responsibility and high expectations:

"Teachers should know everything."

Everything? Really? How often we in early childhood feel the weight of such demands! But then she moves into appreciation and acknowledgment…

"My teacher knows everything!"

And then, we get to the heart of it all, the kind of "everything" Lily had in mind:

"…like how to use kind words."

Today, like every day, as we each face our own piles of "Everything," know that people believe in you and remember to use kind words!

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