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Hello from the Editor at Exchange

Love isn't about what we did yesterday; it's about what we do today and tomorrow and the day after.
Grace Lee Boggs, 1915-2015, feminist author and activist

What is community? This word can hold a variety of meanings in countless contexts. My understanding of community has evolved to mean a group of people connected through a set of shared values and agreements, who each contribute in some way towards a shared intention.

Community is a central pillar in my professional and personal life. It sustains my passion for my work, challenges me to question my assumptions, and calls me to manage my ego alongside collective needs.

My experience at this year’s National Association for the Education of Young Children annual conference reminded me that community is also central to my work at Exchange Press and our collective work within the field of early care and education. Exchange began as a place to share ideas, practices, challenges, and successes. I am grateful that we can continue to uplift ECE leaders and invite new voices that enrich our collective learning.

Two key moments for me at NAEYC were:

As I continue in my work and growth, I’m carrying with me the stories and lessons from early childhood practitioners, directors, instructors, coaches, and researchers that make up the community we serve. I look forward to sharing and connecting with you along the way.

Binta Dixon
Exchange Press

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