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Giving Back: Honoring Diane Kashin

Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.
Albert Schweitzer, physician and philosopher, 1875-1965

This week, we mourn the passing of early childhood leader Diane Kashin, after a battle with cancer. Kashin’s contributions, ranging from emergent curriculum to documenting learning, to her most recent work and newly released book, Cultivating Professional Friendships in Early Childhood Education, leave a lasting impact.

Facing a terminal illness head on, Kashin recently shared these poignant thoughts:

“Upon completing my book, I initially believed my legacy would be defined by my professional friends. What aspects of my work would endure within them? However, as I grappled with writing what might be my final post, I came to realize that the essence of my legacy lies in the concept of giving back. It’s about how each of us contributes to the communities we are a part of. Why did we choose this profession? The answers, I believe, should echo a shared purpose—for the children, their families, and each other. It is a commitment to every child without distinction. Our collective aim is to give back to the next generation, providing them with abundant love, care, and the means to form meaningful connections—with others, with materials, and, of course, with Mother Earth. This collective giving back is to ensure that every child feels well, can actively engage, and can cultivate relationships, ultimately granting them the freedom to express themselves in their own unique ways. This, I believe, will be my legacy. What will be yours?”

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